Is bond money still owing to you?

General Housing

Is bond money still owing to you?

If you’ve rented a home in South Australia in the past but are yet to receive the bond refund, it might be because your bank account details or contact details have changed, or you haven’t cashed the refund cheque which was sent to your last known address.

Consumer and Business Services (CBS) may contact you to help reunite you with your old bond money. But you don’t need to wait for CBS to contact you first. You can visit the CBS Bond Status Register to check if you have an unclaimed bond for a previous rental. You can then apply for it to be refunded to you.

Any message you receive about an unclaimed rental bond should be treated with caution. But you can check the official message from CBS is not a scam by checking your bond status through the bonds register or contacting CBS on 131 882.

When applying for an unclaimed bond you’ll need to upload a selfie and also provide:

  • information about the rental property
  • 100 points of identification (ID)
  • current contact information and current banking details.

If you have trouble making a claim for an unclaimed bond, phone 131 882 to speak to the CBS bonds team about your particular circumstances.

For more information about unclaimed bonds visit